11 Reasons to Have a Portable Website – Understanding the Benefits

11 Reasons to Have a Portable Website – Understanding the Benefits

If you have a business and no website, your business doesn’t exist in real sense. The present age is that of extracting, feeding, and exchanging information on the World Wide Web. Hence, a business website should offer ample information to visitors. Information is crucial for all those belonging to the business world. A website is needed for transferring information to customers.

Having a portable website is very beneficial for your business. Listed below are some of the best benefits of the same:

  1. Easier to Run on Compatible Server(s)

Intricate and complicated web applications usually have numerous dependencies. When sitting on the same server for a certain period of time, the code comprises of customized routines or settings. This may even break when the application gets shifted to a brand new machine. Scripts are needed to build server, installation of all requisite packages, and installation of code. As soon as things start working, loading website to a similar server is easy.

  1. A Separate Test Version for Website

The version is required to get any changes efficiently tested and signed off for live deployment. This minimizes risks of an untested brand new feature disrupting other portions of application.

  1. Allows Multiple Developers to Work

Top web developers can benefit from the entire suite comprising of multiple servers, quick and hassle free set-up, and much more. The best part is that they can do all of these without much expertise in the field of server-side technologies. Build scripts are enough for developers to mimic live environment with the help of free, virtual servers (open source) running on their work machine. The whole thing encourages multiple developers to work together on separate features sans the need of enormous overhead of making everything in working state for each individual.

  1. No Manual Deployments

Manual copying of changed files to a live server is vulnerable to errors. There are chances that something goes missed. It is also possible that a serious error occurs with changes which require developers to return to a previous version.

Use of deployment scripts helps sending changes in code to a server with single command. All previous versions get archived. These also get rolled back in minutes. Developers can also automate deployment.

  1. Well Defined Feature and Issue List

When it comes to portable website, there’s consistent evolution of complex web applications. Right from fixing bugs to addition of new features, one always has a list of things that needs to be worked on.

  1. Version Control

The facility of version control allows developers to track changes to an application. This will include who made a specific change and individual lines of code. If it is about developing modern software, version control comes handy as an essential and effective tool. The tool also helps under situations where there’s only one developer. Version control is even more beneficial in cases where multiple developers get involved as it allows them to work on same code base without worrying about over-writing of changes by another developer they made to a file.

  1. Change is OK

There’s absolutely no need to stay tied a specific developer. You can change developers whenever you wish to without any hassles.

  1. Very Low Risk

Any work that doesn’t code gets instantly versioned to avoid any loss of work. All deployments are super quick and can be easily reversed. The best part is that one can exercise full control of IP. It is also possible to assign rights to those who can get access to your code. You need an experienced web developer contact here: www.jiteshmanaktala.com

  1. Things Stay Fresh

Since deployment scripts and build function specifically for the present website version, these are changed very frequently. This helps with consider any changes. So there’s actually no risk of things getting stale. There’s also no need to make more efforts to make alterations in future. The entire thing will grow organically along with the application.

11. Back Up is Easier during a Disaster

In case of a disaster, it is possible to get back up. When server gets corrupted and demands re-structuring, a portable site will be up and running fast. The entire process is easier with code deployment scripts and server build.